Blogtricks offers a number of interesting little add-on services for bloggers. The most useful one (and the only one I've actually tried) is their Link Feedback service, which allows you to create an automated list of websites referring visitors to your site.
It's easy to set up--in Typepad, just take the script from their "linkbuilder" and use it to create a new item in a "link" Typelist that has been configured to read notes as text. And your Blogtricks account is free--if you want to pay $10/year, you can opt not to have their little ad displayed at the bottom of your list of referrers.
A nice feature is the ability to exclude certain referring domains--for example, you can exclude search engines, so that your list only displays traffic from actual links on other sites, rather than traffic from search results. (Helpful when you get a lot of random traffic from people searching on, say, your uncommon last name.)
I used it for a few days and really liked the convenience of seeing referrers right on my home page, but I didn't pony up for a paid account, and loading the ad from their server was really slowing down my site. It's worth $10/year for the ad-free service, but they currently only accept PayPal, and I don't have a PayPal account.
Here's the script that was generated for my account, including a number of blocked domains. Note the hard break in that line between "" and "" to get it to display properly here:
<script language="javascript">
document.write('\074scr' + 'ipt src="' +
'?token=0d04699ac43ec0e657ff51afd58957a3' +
'\' + '\046maxlen=40' + '\046maxwordlen=40' +
'\046action=combo\046referrer=' + escape(document.referrer) +
'">\074/sc' + 'ript>');