The 2013 film Locke, written and directed by Steven Knight and starring Tom Hardy is a masterpiece--and one that's particularly relevant to anyone who occupies a stressful leadership role.
Most reviews include spoilers that diminish the film's impact, so if you haven't yet read any I recommend avoiding them. (The only exception that I'm aware of is by Ann Hornaday in the Washington Post.) All I knew when I first saw it is that almost the entire film is set inside Hardy's BMW, and he's the only character who appears onscreen, and I'm glad I went in knowing so little.
I don't think it hurts to add that the plot involves profound personal and professional challenges, and that Hardy's portrayal of a conscientious man who's striving to fulfill his obligations is deeply compelling. If you're in the midst of a crisis Locke may not be easy viewing, and yet it's also an opportunity to observe a flawed but sympathetic protagonist facing several crises of his own.
You can stream Locke on these platforms: